It’s a common occurrence, especially among children: Someone sees wet concrete and decides to make an indelible mark to show the world that they were there. While it may seem like a relatively harmless act, defacing wet concrete can have big consequences. Read on to learn why you should never intentionally disturb wet concrete surfaces.
An All-Too-Common Issue
Concrete is an especially durable composite material composed of fine aggregate which is bonded together with fluid cement. Although it becomes very hard over time, freshly poured concrete surfaces remain fragile for several hours. This can make them a target for mischievous people who want to make their mark on the world. It can also pose a hazard to distracted pedestrians, especially when proper barriers are not used to cordon off newly poured sidewalks, driveways and porches.
Whether it’s accidental or purposeful, when people disturb wet concrete, they can face all sorts of unpleasant consequences, including:
Damage to Clothing
Even a drop of wet concrete can permanently ruin your shoes and clothing. This can be especially distressing if you accidentally step into a newly poured sidewalk while wearing expensive dress shoes. If the area wasn’t properly marked, you may be able to get restitution if you can find the people who poured the concrete. More often, you will end up having to dispose of your shoes without receiving any monetary compensation.
The same goes for your slacks, jeans or tennis shoes. Virtually no type of footwear of clothing is impervious to wet concrete. If you act quickly, you may be able to wash out the concrete using hot water. But this isn’t likely, considering most mishaps occur far away from bathrooms or water spigots.
With all this in mind, it’s important to pay attention when you’re walking around work areas. Don’t stare at your phone and be sure to take note of caution tape and orange cones. Obviously, you should never intentionally step onto wet concrete. Not only can this ruin your shoes; it can leave you liable for damages caused to the newly poured surface.
Liability Issues
New concrete surfaces can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the type of surface and scale of the project. Are you prepared to pay for any damage you intentionally or accidentally cause by disturbing wet concrete?
Whether it’s a neighbor’s home, a public path or a commercial property, someone paid to have new concrete poured. If you disturb or deface a wet concrete surface, you are essentially destroying private property. This can leave you exposed to liability issues, which could force you to pay monetary damages and legal fees. These fees could be especially high if you intentionally damaged the surface. Even accidental damage could lead to liability if you acted in a negligent manner.
The last reason to avoid wet concrete involves physical injury. If you step into wet concrete, you could easily twist or even break your ankle. This could lead to pain, swelling and serious long-term problems. In most instances, wet concrete isn’t just roped off to protect the surface; it’s blocked to protect the safety of everyone around.
Whether it’s an accident or intentional act, there’s never a good reason to disturb wet concrete. If you damage a freshly poured concrete surface, you run the risk of destroying your clothing, injuring your body or reducing your bank account. With all this in mind, use caution around wet concrete surfaces and warn children not to draw their names or leave feet and handprints in freshly poured sidewalks, patios and driveways.
With decades of experience, Enright has a well-earned reputation for being the most reliable asphalt and concrete contractor in the Denver area. Whether you want a new patio, need to extend the walking paths around your home, or want to install a large parking lot for your business, we have the knowledge and equipment to do the job right.