We recently completed a project for Real Colorado Soccer, a community-based youth soccer club with both recreational and competitive teams. Their south Denver soccer complex required significant parking lot repairs, and we were up to the task.
On Monday, we tackled 1,200 square feet of full-depth patches, utilizing 62 tons of hot asphalt. These areas had severe alligator cracking, making the repairs essential. Since the asphalt was five inches thick, we applied multiple lifts to ensure proper compaction and durability.

Tuesday, we continued with the patching, switching to the mill and patch method for areas with less severe cracking. This method allowed us to address the issues without the need for full-depth repairs. We used an additional 26 tons of asphalt to complete these.

Wednesday was dedicated to preparing the parking lot for crack sealing and sealcoating. We thoroughly cleaned the parking lot to remove any debris and dirt that could affect the sealing process. After cleaning, we sealed the remaining cracks with over 900 pounds of hot rubber. This step is crucial to prevent water infiltration and further damage.

By Thursday, the lot was shaping up nicely. We applied 1,400 gallons of Ultraseal System Type III sealer, a top-tier polymer-modified asphalt emulsion sealer. This product ensures long-lasting protection and durability, giving the parking lot a fresh, new look.

Friday was all about the finishing touches. We added striping and ADA markings. These final touches made the parking lot look great and ready to serve the community. We wrapped up the project late in the afternoon, pleased with the result.

Thank you to Real Colorado Soccer for trusting us with this project. We’re proud of the work we’ve done and the opportunity to support such a vital community organization. This project showcases our commitment to quality and our expertise in handling complex asphalt repairs.