How to Make Concrete Waterproof

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water proof concrete

While water is an important part of mixing concrete, once concrete has set, it serves little purpose for its overall well-being over time. In fact, many homeowners wants to waterproof concrete to ensure it lasts well beyond its shelf life. You can waterproof concrete but it can be expensive in some cases. Let’s look at how to make concrete waterproof.

Enright Companies Guide: How to Make Concrete Waterproof

There are a variety of do-it-yourself and professional systems for waterproofing concrete. Depending on the concrete project, we recommend contacting a concrete professional for a consult before doing it yourself. If waterproofing concrete is important for you, make sure to mention this if you have a concrete company installing and doing the work for you.

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There’s waterproof coating, sealings, finishers, membranes and more that can help waterproof concrete. It all depends on the type of project, whether the concrete is indoors or outdoors, and what surfaces it’s around. This is why it’s important to bring a professional into the mix. You never know exactly what might be best for your specific project and needs.

Waterproof concrete can prevent a myriad of issues, especially when it comes to flooring. Water can seep up and leak into concrete flooring, especially in basements, then buckle and crack causing flooding and other issues. Eventually, you’ll have to outright replace the concrete flooring but also fix any issues that occurred under it to prevent it from happening again.

Read More: What to Do with Standing Water on Concrete

If you want to make your concrete waterproof, it’s best to do it at the time of installation for best results. While you can do it after, your best bet is to do it during the process for maximum results. Consult with a concrete professional and see what options are available for your project, then invest in waterproofing the best way you can.

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