Using Concrete Floors in Your Basement

Doug Enright 

Concrete is used in a variety of ways in everyday life. The roads you drive on, the sidewalks you walk on, and in construction. If you own a home with a basement, chances are you have a concrete floor. You may put carpeting or laminate over it, but at its base, it’s a concrete floor. Concrete floors are most often used in basements because they help with the overall foundation of the house.

Concrete Floors in Basements

Concrete floors are a blessing and a curse for homeowners. If you have a finished basement, chances are you have laminate or carpet. These are easy to care for. You can vacuum, mop or use a Swiffer to keep them clean and looking good. If your basement is unfinished, you’ll be walking right over the original concrete poured when the house was built.

In this case, you can still vacuum concrete, but that doesn’t always get up the dirt and grime that builds up from using a basement frequently. Shop vacuums can help even better than a run of a mill vacuum. One of the best ways to clean bare concrete floors is to use a soft mop, which you can get wet and then use to wipe down the concrete.

Concrete needs some upkeep and maintenance in a basement, depending on how often it’s used. By using a soft mop you can keep it clean and in its best condition year round. It only takes a bit of time, you can encourage other members of your family to help with it, and you can enjoy the perks of a nice, clean concrete floor in your basement.

Concrete floors that are bare can be covered with rugs, blankets, and other materials for a softer experience if they’re exposed. However, you’ll want to ensure you’re cleaning rugs and blankets you use regularly to avoid concrete dust, dirt, and debris from embedding into them.

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